London’s Parks :: Richmond Park

This post could also be titled, remember that day in August when it didn’t rain? We’ve been hit with an early autumn here in the UK, days upon days of rain, drizzle, grey clouds and colder temperatures meaning I’ve retrieved my boots from the back of the wardrobe, have returned to sleeping under a duvet and have worn a jumper on more that one occasion in the last week… what happened?!  As I type this, rain is hitting the window and all I can see is grey and more grey!

Well, before all of this, there was a day in August where we were blessed with a wonderful sunny day of 30 degrees, and we spent the day in London’s biggest Park, Richmond Park, soaking up the sun with a huge picnic and wandering around this huge green space.  I think calling Richmond Park a park doesn’t do it justice as really it feels like a wild woodland.  It is home to many deer, some which we managed to spot and sprawls on for what feels like miles.  Despite the hot day, with a park this big, it’s easy to loose people and feel like you are the only ones there.

It’s such an amazing space and you feel like you are well into the countryside and there is nothing better than a day of pure sunshine and pretty clouds to gaze at.DSC03944DSC03937 DSC03939DSC03952 DSC03941DSC03950 DSC03943DSC03954 DSC03945DSC03947 DSC03946DSC03965DSC03948DSC03955 DSC03957

Then, on our walk back to Richmond Station, we admired these stunning views of the river.   DSC03966 DSC03967 DSC03970

A slice of the countryside in London!

How was your August, are you still managing to hold on to summer?

Marcella xx


21 thoughts on “London’s Parks :: Richmond Park

  1. Trying to hold on to summer with all my strength! Still pretty hot (and humid) here in New York. I actually may be ready for some fall soon! This park looks amazing and as usual your pictures are great! I especially loved the one with the tree reflection. I actually thought it was an effect at first and had to scroll back up to examine it further 😀

  2. I love Richmond Park! I used to live right next to it and would have weekly walks there. It is definitely a bit of countryside in the city!

  3. I think it is true that the grass is greener on the other side. I am an expat living in Taiwan and we are just dying from the heat & humidity. To me, your situation (and your photos) sound divine. So divine, I would probably frolic through fields in the cold rain!

  4. Beautiful photos! I like parks but I’ve missed the Richmond one in London (and most of that area really) as every time I re-visit London I end up going to old favorite places instead of venturing out more!! As for summer…well we got an overdose in Greece and still temperatures are at 35 degrees!!

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